"Put in your suitcase even the 5 Rites ..."

The month of June gives us the opportunity to learn them before the holidays, practice them on vacation and rediscover beauty and health. The name "Five Tibetans" indicates a sequence of five exercises that keep our system healthy. They have been practiced for centuries by the monks of Tibet and they are said to contain the secret of eternal youth. Today they are considered among the most effective combined general exercises of stretching, isometric / isotonic stress and activation of respiration that is known to us ... in reality they are much more! Learn them before the holidays, it will allow us to practice them every day to have a good energy, allow a synergistic action with the sports we love and reverse our biological clock. We could talk about it for a long time but as in yoga also in the Five Tibetan Rites it is fundamental to practice ...! The freedomYoga Association disseminates and shares the knowledge gained in 25 years of practice. They are taught "to measure", as from the original texts of 1939 and 1946, taking into account age, physicality and every single element that makes each individual "unique". What are you waiting for? Give yourself a day or a weekend!