Una pratica di yoga dedicata all’Equinozio di Primavera
alla ricerca dell’equilibrio e dell’armonia
L’Equinozio di Primavera coincide con il primo giorno di primavera, quando il giorno e la notte sono uguali. La natura mostra i primi segni di attività dopo il lungo sonno invernale. Si vedono i primi germogli e i primi fiori. Il calore e l’energia del Sole aumenta e anche le giornate si allungano. Cominciamo a sentirci più forti, più energici, in grado di affrontare con gioia ogni sfida, in completa connessione con la Madre Terra.
Spring Equinox is celebrated as the first day of Spring, when day and night are equal. All of nature is stirring now and showing signs of activity after the Winter sleep. The power of the Sun is increasing, the days are lengthening and the nights are shortening. We begin to feel empowered to reach out for what we want and to take risks and connect to the Earth again. We can use the potential and fertility of this time to create opportunities for positive change in our lives. At this point we are poised between opposite forces, light and dark, these can be united within us so that we are whole and balanced individuals. This gives birth to actions that come from the heart. In the past the fertile Earth goddess Eostre was honoured at this time in celebration of new life and rebirth.
e … Be Happy!